Chloé Aurard and History for French Hockey

Pour lire la version FRANÇAISE clique [ICI]. Training camps for each Professional Women’s Hockey League team are set to start on November 15, 2023. This is a historical step for the league as it will mark the official on-ice start of this new league. Before that, the creation of the PWHL in the summer of…

Indigenous Hockey Research Summit Recap

On October 19th, 20th and 21st, 2023, The Indigenous Hockey Research Summit took place in Montreal, Quebec. Hosted by the Indigenous Hockey Research Network (IHRN), the summit is “A gathering of Indigenous hockey players, advocates, researchers and communities in pursuit of a more just game.” The summit hosts were Davina McLeod and Mike Makwa Auksi,…

Parity is an issue. Rosie Dimanno is still wrong.

Co-Authored by Courtney Szto and Brett Pardy. Rosie Dimanno, columnist for the Toronto Star, came out guns-a-blazing when she wrote that the women’s hockey competition is “an easy gold” due to the lack of parity in the game. She referenced Canada’s first two wins where they outscored their opponents 23-2 as “abomination domination.” The weird…

Le Sommet du hockey féminin

To read the English version click [HERE]. Le samedi 19 juin 2021, « c’est plus d’une soixante d’intervenants, de bénévoles, d’entraîneurs et de joueuses qui ont pris part au premier Sommet du hockey féminin. Durant cette journée de discussions, plusieurs constats et observations ont été faits avec l’objectif d’amener notre sport à développer son plein potentiel »…

Le Sommet du hockey féminin – Women’s Hockey Summit Recap

Pour lire la version FRANÇAISE clique [ICI]. On Saturday June 19, 2021, “more than sixty volunteers, coaches and players took part in the first Women’s Hockey Summit /Sommet du hockey féminin. During this day of discussion and exchange, many observations and recommendations were shared in the hopes of developing women’s hockey to its full potential”…

#ForTheGame: Tales from the cutting room floor

Women’s hockey has long received the short end of the stick, but when the CWHL folded it laid bare how significant the disparities really were. Lack of viewership, sponsorship, media coverage, statistics, and wages are the common issues that come up but, with hindsight being 20/20, I realized that the lack of research on women’s…

Inside Saint Mary’s University Centre for the Study of Sport & Health’s Goaltending Symposium

Hockey is a slow game to adapt, painfully slow. Yet goaltending over the last quarter century has been completely revolutionized, far outpacing the myths the game thrives on. Hockey in Society alumus Cheryl MacDonald organized an interdisciplinary online symposium that brought together athletes and academics from science, social science, and arts backgrounds to discuss the…

Women’s Hockey Literature (Pre-2012)

Most sports films and novels focus on men’s sports and are intended for an assumed male reader, so much so that if one wants to find a story about women athletes or teams they have to specify “women’s sports films” or “women’s sports literature.” Women’s sports stories, on the page or screen, are comparatively rare…